Raise A Service Puppy!
Raising a service puppy is a wonderful way to give back to the veterans that loyally served our country or to help a child/adult who may not be able to handle a puppy. It takes a lot of dedication and patience, as well as 2 classes a week with your little pup. Puppy raisers foster from 10 week to 6 months (or more) all raisers are required to have a background and home check prior to puppy placement. If you have the time, dedication to train, love, and heart to change someone's life forever please apply here.
Our Program Dogs
We are proud to introduce our program dogs! These are our personal dogs, they are trained as service dogs, cancer detection dogs, and most are used at our school to assist in training. These dogs all live in our homes and are part of our families. They are not for sale.

Name: Oreo
Breed: Sheprador
Job: Multi Purpose Service Dog
Tasks: Mobility service tasks, Anxiety response tasks, Behavior Interruption, Seizure response, scent detection, cancer detection, Item retrieval.
About: Oreo is our resident doggy Professor, she assists in the training of other dogs in our program and working as a service dog/cancer detection dog. This over achiever has assisted in the rehabilitation and training of dozens of dogs through the years. There is no task to complex and no job too big for this girl!

Name: Doc
Breed: Berger Blanc Swiss Shepherd
Job: Mobility Service Dog
Tasks: Counter Balance, Brace Support, Item Retrieval, Scent Detection
About: Doc was one of the first demo dogs at ACE. He excelled in sign language and had a nose that knew when something was wrong in his humans blood chemistry. Grandpa Doc has since retired to live out his days in the lap of luxury with his owner Olivia.
In Memory of: Olivia Graceson
8/9/58 to 7/11/22

Name: Orion
Breed: Golden Shepherd
Job: Mobility/Anxiety Service Dog
Behavior interruptions, Item Retrieval, Find Help, Deep Pressure Therapy, Light and Heavy Mobility
About: Orion is one of our stellar examples of the program Golden Shepherds (Golden Retriever x German Shepherd). He is a large male from the Eevee x Kermit pairing in 2020. At 2 years old this male weighs in at 80 lbs and stands 30in tall at his shoulders. He is the definition of gentle giant and has been selected as a stud for future litters.

Name: Axel
Breed: German Malinois
Job: Psychiatric Service Dog
Positional blocking, medication reminder, anxiety response, deep pressure therapy, Find an Exit
About: Axel is a very cool boy, obviously. He is a Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd mix and has the privilege of boasting his Daddy's Veteran k9 record and his Mama's Boarder Patrol service, despite the bite and fight of his parents Axel is a soft hearted boy who loves children.
Our Females
Reserve your prospect starting January 2025 for spring puppy selection!

Name: Eevee
Breed: German Shepherd
Job: Hearing/Mobility Service Dog
Tasks: Counter Balance, Brace Support, Hearing Alert, Autism Tasking, More!
About: Eevee is our "Mama" she has such a big heart and no matter what puppies they are Eevee is there to teach them the ropes. Eevee is a Purebred AKC German Sheperd with the Panda coloration. She is the Granddaughter of the famous Lewchenka Franka vom Phenom.
Name: Echo
Breed: AKC Golden Retriever
Job: Multi- Purpose Training
About: She is one of out newest program dogs. She is being cross trained as a demo dog and medical detection dog.
Our Males
Goldens are here! Call for more info on winter temperment testing.

Name: Buddy
Breed: AKC Golden Retriever
Job: Autism Service Dog
Tasks: Deep Pressure Therapy, Anxiety Response, Positional Blocking, Behavior Interruption
About: Buddy is our Golden Stud! He will be available for stud services to approved females only. He is a working service dog and has completed his training and health testing.

Name: Kermit
Breed: AKC Golden Retriever
Job: Psychiatric Scent Service Dog
Tasks: Nightmare Alert, Anxiety Response, Deep Pressure Therapy, Positional Blocking, Grounding
About: Kermit is a beautiful boy with show quality confirmation and the perfect service dog temperament. Patient, happy, outgoing, and confident. This boy never disappoints no matter what the task.
Cancer Detection Dogs
These girls are no longer with our Cancer detection program however we are proud to share their contribution. Alongside Oreo and Doc these two girls helped pioneer canine cancer detection by scent alone.

Name: Rebel
Breed: German Shepherd
Job: Cancer Detection Dog
Tasks: Mobility Tasks, PTSD Tasking, Scent Detection, Cancer Detection
About: Rebel is our #1 Cancer detection dog, she is Ellie's older sister even though they look almost like twins. Rebel is fully trained as a PTSD service dog and has been selected to mother a new generations of detection pups!

Name: Ellie
Breed: German Shepherd
Job: Cancer Detection Dog
Tasks: Counter Balance, Item Retrieval, Scent Detection, Cancer Detection
About: Ellie is our #1 scent work dog, she has excelled in several other dog sports as all! She is a fully trained mobility and scent detection dog. Ellie has since been retired from detection work and is in her forever home.